
Alligators and Crocodiles | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, Facts

Crocodiles and crocodiles are reptiles. This means they are cold-blooded and need to regulate their body temperature with the environment. To do this, the crocodile cools down in the shade or in the water and warms up in the sun. Alligators and crocodiles, like most reptiles, also lay eggs and their skin is covered with dry, hard scales.

Sometimes alligators are called alligators and sometimes alligators are called crocs.

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What is the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile?

You can tell the American alligator from the alligator mainly by the width of their snouts. An American alligator will have a large and wide nose while an alligator will usually have a narrow nose. American alligators are also usually darker in color.

Crocodiles live near freshwater habitats. There are only two types of crocodiles (American alligator and Chinese alligator) and only two countries in the world where alligators can be found: China and the United States. In the United States, alligators are found in the southeast, mainly in Florida and Louisiana.

Crocodiles are more common in tropical Asia, America, Africa and Australia. There are crocodile species that live in both saltwater and freshwater.

How fast are Alligators and Crocodiles?

Alligators and crocodiles are excellent swimmers. They can swim very fast. They seem to slow to rise out of the water when sitting still for hours in the sun and only occasionally move slowly. But don’t make a mistake. Crocodile king or crocodile attack can move extremely fast for short distances. They can move much faster than humans can run. These animals are very dangerous and are among the most dangerous animals for humans.

How big are the Alligators and Crocodiles?

Alligators and crocodiles can be quite large. The largest alligator on record is 19 feet long while the largest is estimated to be nearly 28 feet long.

What do Alligators and Crocodiles eat?

Alligators and crocodiles are carnivores, which means they eat meat. They will kill and eat anything they catch. This includes fish, deer, frogs, birds and buffalo, to name a few. Although they have sharp teeth, they do not chew food. They use their teeth to tear them apart and swallow them whole.

Interesting Facts About Alligators and Crocodiles

They have amazing senses including great hearing, sight and smell.

They can hold their breath for almost an hour.

They are one of the few reptiles that take care of their young after they hatch from their eggs.

Sometimes baby crocodiles ride on their mother’s back or even hide from predators in their mouths.

They spend most of their time in the water.

Several species of crocodiles are on the endangered species list.