The Border Collie is a breed of dog originally bred to herd sheep. They are active, cheerful dogs and are considered to be the smartest dog breed.
How big is the Border Collie?
The Border Collie is a medium sized dog. Males weigh about 30 to 45 pounds and are about 20 inches tall at the shoulder. Children are a bit smaller.
Border Collie jackets come in a variety of colors. Black and white is the most common, but it is also commonly available in black/white/brown, red/white, and black/red/white. There are also other colors, such as red/yellow or monochromatic, but these are less common. Their coat is of moderate length and does not shed too much.
Where does the Border Collie come from?
The Border Collie was bred in the late 1800s in the country on the border between Scotland and England. The original dog was a collie named Old Hemp. He was such a good herding dog that many other herders used him to breed more dogs that they could use as herding dogs. So new varieties were born. It was originally called the Scotch Sheepdog.
How is Border Collies in Sports
The Border Collie is one of the most intelligent and athletic dog breeds. Therefore, they are loved in many sports competitions for dogs, especially shepherding.
Does it make a good pet?
The Border Collie can be a great pet for the right owner and their family. The most important thing is that they get plenty of exercise, attention and stimulation. Without it, they can go a little crazy and start acting up and chewing on the house. They can also be a bit too aggressive in herding behavior towards young children. Owners should keep in mind that Border Collies are highly intelligent and bred to herd sheep all day. They should be treated accordingly.
Interesting Facts about the Border Collie
A typical Border Collie lives 10 to 12 years.
Some Border Collies have learned to recognize and respond to hundreds of words.
They have litters of 6 to 8 puppies.
All Border Collies can actually trace their ancestry back to old hemp.
They are also excellent search and rescue dogs.
They are considered the best obedient dog breed.
They were first recognized as an official breed by the American Kennel Club in 1995.