Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be exhausting and confusing due to their erratic behavior. Strange behaviors, such as setting fires and dropping love bombs, can be complicated. This article will discuss some of the weirdest things narcissists do, and give advice on how to avoid being manipulated.
How do narcissists trick you?
Narcissism and manipulation go hand in hand. Narcissists use sparking tactics to make you question your memory and sanity, then like to bombard you with compliments and gifts to entice you back. They also project their flaws onto others, making you feel unworthy and dependent. It’s a vicious cycle of control and abuse that narcissists are well versed in.
What are some things a narcissist would say in a relationship?
To exert power and influence over you, the strange things narcissists do can use a variety of tactics, including lying. They may tell you that you are overreacting, being overly sensitive, or even crazy. They may make you uncomfortable and base their compliments on by criticizing your looks, IQ, or profession.
Narcissists in relationships often hurt their partners by making empty promises or making commitments to things they have no intention of keeping.
15 strange behaviors associated with narcissists
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness that causes people to become arrogant, self-centered and not concerned with others. People with this problem can act in some strange ways. Here are 15 weird things narcissists do.
1. Lack of accountability
One of the weirdest things narcissists do is refuse to take responsibility for their behavior. They do not accept responsibility for their mistakes or the harm they have caused, leaving their victims helpless and unhappy.
What narcissists do, then they blame others, often manipulate facts to fit their version of events.
2. Gaslighting and manipulating reality
Another method used by narcissists is to misinterpret what you say, making you question your memory and recall. They use it to undermine your confidence and manipulate your view of reality. They can trick you into believing whatever they want you to believe by planting seeds of doubt in your mind.
3. Lying, victim-playing, and self-aggrandizement
Narcissists will lie and use manipulative methods to make you feel guilty to get what they want. They are very good at playing the victim, which they will use to gain empathy and attention from those around them.
To feel superior, they exaggerate their own achievements while downplaying the achievements of others.
4. Playing the card to gain sympathy
One of the most dangerous traits and strangest things narcissists do is their ability to make you feel sorry for them.
They will act as victims to gain sympathy and attention, making you feel responsible for their care. It can leave you exhausted and exhausted, with very little energy to take care of yourself.
5. Insincere apologies
Narcissists rarely apologize, and when they do, it’s often dishonest. They will use the situation to manipulate you and make you feel bad for not forgiving them.
The weird things narcissists do include using your flaws, using them to gain control, and turning them against you.
6. Punishing with silence
Narcissists often use silence as a form of punishment. They will make you feel uncomfortable and not know what to say or do, leaving you alienated and alone. They charm people, which makes it easy for them to influence those around them.
7. Explosive outbursts and violence
When a narcissist is upset, they may develop irrational tantrums and even engage in violence. They will use whatever means necessary to maintain control, including force. This can be especially harmful to anyone who comes in close contact with them.
8. Seeking admiration
Narcissists strive to earn respect and admiration from others. They want to be seen as important and successful, even if that means sacrificing those around them. They will demean and denigrate your successes to make you feel like you’ve achieved nothing.
9. Blaming others
Among the strange things narcissists do to avoid taking responsibility for their own failures is blaming each other. They will always blame others for their problems, never taking responsibility for their actions. This strategy will be used to make you feel guilty and trick you into doing what they want.
10. Creating a false image and entitlement
Narcissists will change their environment to make them appear more competent. They will use their charm and charisma to achieve their goals, often to the detriment of those around them. They have an inflated sense of importance and entitlement, believing that they are superior to others.
11. The constant need to outdo others
In every interaction, they want to outdo you. Narcissists will constantly try to outdo you with their own stories or experiences, no matter what you say. They must be able to handle being overwhelmed and being the center of attention.
12. Unrealistic expectations
A few other weird things narcissists do is make unrealistic and irritable expectations if you don’t live up to them.
Narcissists often have unreasonable expectations of others and expect others to cater to their every whim. When you fail to meet their expectations, they will blame you for their disappointment.
13. Deception through “love bombing”
They use “love bombs” to trick you. A narcissist will give you care, gifts, and feedback early on in a relationship to make you feel special and appreciated. Once they are attracted to you, they will begin to withdraw the affection and use it as a tool to control you.
14. Passive-aggressive behavior as a form of punishment
Experts say to punish you, they use passive-aggressive behavior. Narcissists often use passive-aggressive methods to control others around them.
Narcissists may use silent treatment, sarcastic remarks, or other subtle methods to make you feel guilty and humiliated. This form of behavior is intended to punish you for not meeting their expectations, and it can be extremely detrimental to your self-esteem and mental health.
15. Sabotaging others’ achievements to maintain control
Narcissists despise the idea that others are better than them. To stay in control, they may try to ruin your success or your reputation. They may downplay your achievements or give inadequate advice. Their actions are motivated by a strong need for worship and control and can be detrimental to your personal and professional growth.