TBJEE 2023 Counselling (2nd Round) is being organised on 25th August 2023. TJEE is called as the Tripura Joint Entrance. The Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination, (TBJEE) organizes the TJEE exams. The TJEE is also a state-level test that is only help is Tripura. The applicants who are UG and need to go in for the engineering courses in Tripura got to clear the TJEE exams. Below we have provided the detailed information regarding the TJEE 2023.
TBJEE 203 Notification: Counselling Started (2nd Round)
TBJEE 2023 Counselling (2nd Round) is being held on 25th August 2023 for remaining Para Medical & Nursing seats through offline mode.
TBJEE 2023 Counselling (2nd Round) will be organised on 22nd August 2023 through offline mode for Agriculture Department.
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025
- Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
TBJEE 2023 Seat Allotment (1st Round) has been released on 8th August 2023 for PCM. Click here to check allotment.
Subscribe for You tube Channel NTA Exam Guide For Latest Updates. Click Here To Subscribe.
Tripura JEE (TJEE) 2023 Exam Dates:
Below we have provided the information regarding the TJEE important events and dates:
Events | Dates (Announced) |
Application form available | 1st February 2023 |
Last Date to Apply | 18th February 2023 |
Application Correction | 20th – 24th, February 2023 |
Availability of Admit Card | 17th April 2023 |
Exam Dates | 25th April, 2023 |
TJEE 2023 Answer Key | 28th April 2023 |
TJEE 2023 Result Date | May 2023 |
TJEE 2023 Counselling | 30th June, 2023 |
Choice Filling | July 2023 |
Tripura JEE Application Form 2023:
Below we have provided the steps that require to be followed so as to fill the Application Form:
The TJEE 2023 form has been released online and offline as well.
The submission of the application forms may be done offline solely.
Applicants got to visit the official website of the board (TJEE.nic) Applicants got to register themselves on the web site to download the application form.
The Applicants got to click the link of the ‘TJEE 2023 Application Form’ on the official web site.
The Application form can open up in a new window.
The Applicants got to fill the form with the important information like name, father’s name, and educational information, etc.
Once the form is filled Applicants even have to stick the latest passport size photo on the form and that they even have to sign on it.
As a part of the application method Applicants even have to pay the application fee.
The application form fee can be submitted within the offline mode via DD in favor of the Tripura Board.
Once the complete method is finished Applicants got to send the filled form to the address below together with the required documents Tripura Board of Joint examination, old Secretariat Old Finance Building, 2nd Floor, Agartala PIN-799001.
Important info wherever offline forms are going to be available:
Office of TJEE:
Old secretariat complex,
Finance building, 2nd floor,
Agartala, Tripura – 799001
Few Colleges: Memorial college of Khowai, Mahavidyalaya Kailashahar, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar faculty – Belonia, Degree College – Dharamnagar, Mahavidyalaya – Udaipur.
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Application Fee 2023:
Below we have provided the details of appliance fee for various categories:
Category | Application Fee |
General Male Candidates | Rs.550/- |
SC/ST Male Candidate | Rs.450/- |
All Female & BPL (male & female) Candidate | Rs.350/- |
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Eligibility Criteria 2023:
Below we have provided the details regarding the eligibility criteria for TJEE 2023:
The Applicants ought to be an Indian and specifically from Tripura (Permanent resident)
Applicants should have cleared their HSC from CBSE board or Tripura Board of faculty Education.
The Minimum qualifying marks for the eligibility for TJEE 2023 test are going to be 50% for General class and 45%for SC/ST/OBC of the Tripura state.
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Exam Pattern 2023:
Below we have provided the details concerning the TJEE Test Pattern:
The TJEE examination consists of four papers (Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics) Each paper is going to be for one hundred marks and therefore the duration is going to be 2 hours.
The queries are going to be MCQ type queries.
TJEE examination is going to be an offline exam.
Each correct answer can facilitate the applicant to realize 2 marks There will be No Negative Marking on the test. Tripura JEE (TJEE) 2023 how to prepare for a test.
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025
- Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
Exam Preparation Tips:
Before starting preparation, applicants ought to analyze the syllabus given for the examination.
Prepare a good time-table as per your daily schedule and include all the topics of the syllabus in your preparations. Refer the simplest preparation books and different study materials accessible within the market or on the web. Practice from previous year question papers and sample papers to grasp a lot of concerning the test pattern Mark all the important topics of the Syllabus and prepare short notes and revise them at the tip of preparations.
Don’t take stress whereas preparing for the test and take a healthy diet. Manage some time for a few exercises and yoga it’ll keep your work and health.
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Syllabus 2023:
Below we have provided the brief information regarding the syllabus:
Physics: Physical world and measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid body, Gravitation Behavior of perfect gas and kinetic theory, Oscillations and Waves, current electricity, electromagnetic induction, and Alternating Currents, Magnetic effects of current & Magnetism, Work, Energy and Power, electromagnetic Waves, Electronic, Optics Atoms and Nuclei, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Devices, Communication Systems
Chemistry: Some basic concepts of Chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Structure of Atom, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Equilibrium, Hydrogen, Redox Reactions, S-Block components, Chemical mechanics, bimolecular, Haloalkanes & Haloarenes, chemical science, General Principals and Processes of Isolation of components, Aldehydes, Ketones and carboxylic acids, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Surface Chemistry, Organic compounds containing N, Polymers, Classification of components and periodicity in Properties, Chemistry in everyday life, P-Block components, D-and F-Block elements.
Mathematics: Mathematical Induction, integral calculus, trigonometry, Permutations and combos, Sets, Relations and Functions, algebra, complex Numbers, Differentiability, advanced Numbers, Differential Equations, Limit, Continuity, Quadratic Equations Mathematical Reasoning.
Biology: Biology and Human Welfare, environment, Biotechnology, and Its Applications, biology and Evolution, reproduction, Ecology
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Admit Card 2023:
The admit card will be released on the official website. The Applicants got to log in with their login credentials to download the admit card. Applicants then will then print the Admit card as it is an important document and will be carried to the examination hall. Applicants who don’t carry the admit card won’t be allowed to appear for the examination.
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Result 2023:
The Applicants can download the result from the official website. The Applicants got to again use their login credentials to download the result. It is always suggested to print copies of the results for the future use.
Tripura JEE (TJEE) Counselling 2023:
The counseling method completely depends on the merit list. The counseling will be held by an offline method that the Applicants are going to be informed regarding the time and place for the same. Applicants got to carry a few important documents while going for counseling for the verification method.
List of documents:
The admit card for the entrance exam.
Residence proof of Tripura as per the eligibility criteria.
HSE score card/ marksheet (Original & Attested).
Category Certificate.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
Question: What will be the last date to submit the application form?
TBJEE Contact Number/Helpline Number:
Shiksha Bhavan (Ground floor),
Office Lane,
Agartala -799001
Contact Us:
Phone: 9436994488
E-mail: [email protected]