Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) has cancelled the PSTET 2023 exam which was conducted on March 12, 2023, due to the marking of answers on the question paper. Punjab Government has announced that the PSTET exam will soon be conducted again for all candidates.
PSTET 2023 Application Form will be released soon through online mode. Teaching job is a fulfilling job because you’re willingly educating the upcoming future of the nation. To become a teacher on the govt. level, you need to appear within the competitive examination and once you clear it, you have become a valid person to teach students.
There are many entrance examinations and one of them is PSTET 2023. This examination commences by the state of Punjab so as to select the appropriate Applicants for the job. Here are some exam-related details that are as follows.
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PSTET 2023 Notification: Exam Again
PSTET 2023 Exam Dates:
Events | Dates (Tentative) |
Released of application form | February 18, 2023 |
Last day for submitting the application forms | February 28, 2023 |
Downloading of Admit Card | March 08, 2023 |
Punjab TET 2023, Exam | March 12, 2023 |
Release of Answer Key | To Be Announced |
Declaration of Punjab TET 2023 Results | To Be Announced |
PSTET 2023 Application Form:
To seek the application form, applicants have to visit the official website of the Education board of Punjab state for appearing in the Punjab TET exam. Register at Punjab Education Board website on the priority basis so click the same and after that fill the details within the application form. After filling the application form, get ready to make payment via debit/credit card as the application fee.
Important Instructions to be Followed for Filling Application Form:
- Go through the details prior to you fill the application form.
- Ensure that all the entries get correctly filled by the Applicants.
- Then submit the requisite TET examination fee on the prescribed date and time. make payment of the application fee otherwise, an application form won’t be entertained.
- Incomplete or incorrect filled details are going to be canceled.
- Once you fill the application form, ensure for taking print out for more reference.
- Once PSTET Application submitted Applicants need to take a print of the same keep it safe at the recruitment method gets over.
- Admit card is going to be given to those who have applied for notation TET 2023.
Fee Structure for PSTET:
Cataegory | For Any Single Paper | For Both Paper |
General & BC | 900 | 1800 |
S.C/S.T/Physical Handicapped | 600 | 1200 |
Ex-Serviceman ( Self Only ) | NIL | NIL |
PS TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria:
Below we have provided the PSTET 2023 Eligibility Criteria for the Grade first to fifth class and Grade sixth to eighth class:
PSTET Eligibility Criteria from Grade 1st to 5th: Those who have cleared Senior Secondary examination and attained a minimum of 50% marks or those who have are in their last year of 2-year D.Ed (Diploma in Elementary education) will apply for the exam.
Or if the Applicants has completed their Senior secondary school or any other equivalent examination can appear within the exam. those who are in their final year of D.El.Ed (Diploma in Elementary Education under NCTE, regulations, 2002 May appear within the examination. If the Applicants has completed Bachelor in elementary education (B.Ed) or in their final year (4th year of B.Ed), and earned 50% marks in school twelfth examination is valid to apply. If the Applicants has attained 50% aggregate marks in school XII examination together with a diploma in Education or those who are appearing are valid to apply for PSTET.
PSTET Eligibility Criteria 2023 from Grade Classes 6th to 8th: Those who are in their under-graduation or attained a diploma in elementary education (D.El.Ed) or appearing can also apply for PSTET 2023 examination.
OR Those who have attained their graduation degree with a minimum of 50% marks or appearing or completed one-year of Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) degree. OR Those who have attained minimum 45% marks in under-graduation and 1-year of B.Ed as per NCTE regulations are eligible to apply
OR Those who have completed their class twelfth examination or any of the equivalent examination with a minimum of 50% marks and cleared OR have done 4-year B.Ed (Bachelor of Elementary education)
OR, Those who have completed the upper secondary examination with a minimum of 50% marks along with B.A. Ed/ B.Sc.Ed OR B.A/B.Sc.Ed may seem within the exam.
PSTET 2023 Exam Pattern:
Structure and Content of TET: The structure and content of the TET is given in the following paragraphs. All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking. The examining body should strictly adhere to the structure and content of the TET specified below.
There will be two papers of the TET. Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes I to V. Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII. A person who intends to be a teacher either for classes I to V or for classes VI to VIII will have to appear in both papers (Paper I and Paper II).
Paper I (for classes I to V); No. of MCQs – 150;
Duration of examination: one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content (All Compulsory)
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language I | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language II | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Mathematics | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Environmental Studies | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Nature and standard of questions: While designing and preparing the questions for Paper I, the examining body shall take the following factors into consideration: • The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
• The Test items for Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction, (as chosen from list of prescribed language options in the application form).
• The Language II will be from among the prescribed options other than Language I. A candidate may choose any one language from the available language options and will be required to specify the same in the application form. The test items in Language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
• The test items in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects. In all these subject areas, the test items shall be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject prescribed for classes I–V by the appropriate Government.
• The questions in the tests for Paper I will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the State for classes I–V, but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the secondary stage.
Paper II (for classes VI to VIII); No. of MCQs – 150;
Duration of examination : one-and-a-half hours
Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language I (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Language II (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
For Mathematics and Science teacher For Social studies teacher | 60 MCQs | 60 Marks |
While designing and preparing the questions for Paper II, the examining body shall take the following factors into consideration:
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• The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group 11-14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
• The test items for Language I will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction, as chosen from list of prescribed options in the application form.
• The Language II will be a language other than Language I. The person may choose any one language from among the available options and as in the specified list in the application form and attempt questions in the one indicated by the candidate in the application form by him. The Test items in Language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
• The test items in Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects. The test items of Mathematics and Science will be of 30 marks each. The test items shall be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject as prescribed for classes VI-VIII by the appropriate government.
• The questions in the tests for Paper II will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the State for classes VI-VIII but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be upto the senior secondary stage.
PSTET Syllabus 2023:
The PSTET Syllabus has been prescribed by the PSEB. The PSTET syllabus contains for Paper 1 and Paper 2. The PSTET Paper 1 syllabus includes topics from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics and Environmental Studies and Paper 2 syllabus contains questions from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics and Science or Social Studies/Social Sciences.
Recomended Books for PSTET 2023:
Candidates can go through the following article for PSTET Study Material 2023:
Sr.No. | PSTET Books | Buy Link |
1.. | PSTET Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test Paper 1: Primary Stage Class (1-5) | CLICK HERE |
2. | PSTET Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test Paper 2: Class (6-8) Mathematics / Science | CLICK HERE |
3. | PSTET [Punjab State Teachers Eligibility Test] PAPER-ll: Mathematic & Sci. _ Practice Workbook With 7 Years Previous Papers Cum Model Practice Papers { English-Punjabi } Combined Medium. | CLICK HERE |
4. | [PSTET] Punjab State Teachers Eligibility Test_ PAPER-II (Mathematics & Science) in English | CLICK HERE |
5. | PSTET PAPER-1 (1-5) Combined Medium {English – Punjabi} + Free Practice Set Booklet | CLICK HERE |
PSTET 2023 Admit Card:
Hall ticket also known as the admit card are going to be offered to the Applicants’ prior final examination. Admit card is important to hold while moving to the examination hall as this card includes crucial details. The admit card is also accessible on-line, you only got to seek print out and show whenever the examiner asks for.
PSTET 2023 Result:
Exam PSTET 2023 Result will be declared on the given date. Applicants may update regarding result from time to time. Get the view of the result on the official website.
PSTET Selection Procedure:
The PSTET Selection Method can depend on the entrance exam score that is conducted by the Punjab State Government: Applicants are going to be shortlisted by total numbers of marks. After shortlisting the participants, the Authority can call the final round personal Interview.
Frequency of conduct of TET and validity period of TET certificate:
The appropriate Government should conduct a TET at least once every year. The Validity Period of TET qualifying certificate for appointment will be decided by the appropriate Government subject to a maximum of seven years for all categories. But there will be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a TET Certificate. A person who has qualified TET may also appear again for improving his/her score.