JKSET Application Form 2023 has been released on May 05th 2023 on the JKSET official website – http://set.uok.edu.in/. JK SET 2023 is a state-level exam to be held and managed by the University of Kashmir. The Applicants willing to work as an assistant professor within the various colleges and universities within the state of Jammu and Kashmir can apply for the exam.
The University of Jammu (Nodal Agency) will conduct SET in 38 subjects at three Centres – Jammu, Srinagar and Leh. Eligible Applicants can register themselves on-line so as to apply for the exam. Below in this article, we have provided all the detailed information regarding JK SET 2023 like application form, eligibility criteria, tentative dates, etc.
JK SET 2023 Notification: Application Form Released
JK SET 2023 Important Dates:
Important Events | Dates |
Release of Official Notification | April 24, 2023 |
Online Registration Begins | May 05, 2023 |
Online Registration Ends | June 05, 2023 |
Last date to Submit the Application Fee | June 04, 2023 |
Application Form Correction Window | June 09-11, 2023 |
Admit Card Releasing Date | To be Announced |
JKSET Exam Date | October 01, 2023 |
Result Declaration | To be Announced |
JK SET 2023 Application Form:
The candidates are advised to follow the following five simple steps for filling their Online Application Forms.
Step-I: Visit the University of Jammu Website www.jammuuniversity.ac.in , click on Link JKSET/LASET. Read important Instructions for Online submission of forms carefully before proceeding further.
Step-II: Pay Examination Fee online using Payment Gateway(s) using Credit card/Debit card/Net banking.** & Print Fee Receipt. Please note the reference number for registering yourself for filling up the application form.
Step-III: Register yourself using the Payment Reference Number and note down the password. Select the UT for which you are applying and Upload your recent Photograph and Signature. The photograph must be a recent photograph (in jpg/ jpeg file, size less than 50Kb) either in colour or black & white with 80% face (without mask) visible including ears against white background. Scan copy of the Candidate’s signature in jpg/ jpeg file (file size: less than 50kb).
Step-IV: Complete the Online Application Form giving all the correct information. Fill up the required fields in the formwith relevant information. Candidates must clearly mention the category -GENRAL/ SC/ST/ EWS/RBA/ PWD/ WUP/ ALC/IB/ PSP etc to which they belong. Fill up your Personal, Contact, Academic details, Government Id Card no*** and choices of Centre and subjects for JKSET/LASET in the Application form correctly. Note down the system generated Application Number for future use. Preview the Form displayed on the screen. If details are correct, click on Submit. If there is any variation, make corrections and then Submit .
NOTE: Please note that the Government Id Card No given will be verified at the entry of the examination hall.
Step–V: Take the print out of the application form and keep it for future use.
NOTE: In case the status of Application is not updated to “Accepted” or fee reconciliation is pending, the candidate should contact the Helpline Desk (email id. [email protected]) at J&K SET Office, University of Jammu, Jammu along with Application Form, Fee Receipt, and all other documents, within three days after the last date of submission of Application Forms. Thereafter, no claim, whatsoever, will be entertained by the University. The candidature of the candidate, whose fees has not been received upto the prescribed last date, will not be considered for the examination.
Below we have provided the category wise application fee:
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Categories | Application Fee |
General | Rs. 1100 /- |
OBC-NCL and Other reserved category (RBA/ALC-IB/WUP/ PSP/ EWSGeneral) | Rs. 880 /- |
SC/ST/Transgender/ PwD with 40% disability | Rs. 660 /- |
MODE OF PAYMENT Candidate has to pay Examination Fee through Online Mode using the Payment Gateway(s) integrated to the Online Application by Credit Card/Debit Card/Net banking. Follow on screen instructions for payment of requisite fee. Candidate must print the examination fee receipt generated after successful transaction for future use at the time of Form Verification. Please note that fee submitted by any other mode like money order, demand draft, IPO etc. will not be accepted. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates should note down and preserve Order Number and Payment Reference ID for online registration of their application form.
List and Code of Subjects for JKSET/LASET (2021-22)
00 General Paper (Paper-I) 01 Chemical Sciences 02 Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences 03 Life Sciences 04 Mathematical Sciences 05 Physical Sciences 06 Arab Culture & Islamic Studies 07 Arabic 08 Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian, & Peace Studies 09 Commerce 10 Computer Science & Applications 11 Dogri 12 Economics 13 Education 14 Electronic Science 15 English 16 Environmental Sciences 17 Geography 18 Hindi 19 History 20 Home Science 21 Kashmiri 22 Law 23 Library & Information Science 24 Linguistics 25 Management 26 Mass Communication & Journalism 27 Music 28 Persian 29 Philosophy 30 Physical Education 31 Political Science 32 Psychology 33 Public Administration 34 Punjabi 35 Sanskrit 36 Social Work 37 Sociology 38 UrduJK SET 2023 Eligibility Criteria:
The Applicants should have a UGC recognized Master’s degree with a minimum of 55% marks.
Applicants appearing within the final year exam are also eligible.
Applicants having a ph.D. degree and completed a Master’s degree before 19th September 1992 are going to be eligible for 5% relaxation in qualifying exam marks.
Applicants are suggested to apply for the subject of their Master’s degree solely.
Aspirants who have already qualified the SLET/UGC/NET/CSIR JRF are going to be exempted from the JK SET 2023 exam. It is not necessary for an applicant to be a permanent resident of the Jammu and Kashmir state.
AGE LIMIT & RELAXATION: There is no upper age limit for applying for JKSET/LASET.
Eligibility for Assistant Professor:
a. NET/SLET/SET shall remain the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professors in Universities/Colleges/Institutions. In this regards, exemption from NET/SLET/SET will be governed by UGC regulations and amendments notified in the Gazette of India and adopted by the UTs from time to time.
b. The candidates who have passed the UGC/CSIR JRF examination prior to 1989 are also exempted from appearing in SET.
c. The candidates who have cleared the States Eligibility Test (SET/SLET) accredited by UGC for Lecturership/ Assistant Professorship held prior to 1st June 2002 are eligible to apply for Assistant Professor anywhere in India. For SET held from 1st June 2002 onwards, the qualified candidates are eligible to apply for the post of Assistant Professor only in the universities/colleges situated in the State from where they have cleared their SET.
JK SET 2023 Exam Pattern:
The scheme of question papers for each subject/area of the State Eligibility Test (SET) will be the same as prescribed for NET by the UGC/CSIR/NTA.
Test will consist of two papers in each subject. Both the papers will have only objective type questions of (a) Multiple Choice, (b) Matching, (c) Assertion and Reasoning and (d) True and False.
The test will be held on a single day in two separate sessions with 30 minutes’ break. The detail about both the papers is summarized in Table-2. It is compulsory for candidates to appear in both the papers. A candidate who does not appear in Paper-I, will not be permitted to appear in Paper-II.
Exam mode | Offline mode | Offline mode |
Total Exam Duration | 1 Hour (60 minutes) | 2 Hours (120 minutes) |
Total no. of questions | 50 | 100 |
Total marks | 100 | 200 |
Marking Scheme | 2 marks for each correct response and no marks for un-answered /un-attempted question. | 2 marks for each correct response and no marks for un-answered /un-attempted question. |
Recommended Books for JK SET 2023:
Applicants who will participate in the upcoming JK SET 2023 Examination can refer to these books mentioned below. Important books for the preparation of the entrance exam are as follows;
Sr. No. | Books Name | Links |
1 | INDIAN ECONOMY For Civil Services, Universities and Other Examinations | 13th Edition | Click Here |
2 | INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition (English) | Click Here |
3 | Concise Inorganic Chemistry: Fifth Edition by J.D. Lee | Click Here |
4 | Jammu and Kashmir State Eligibility Test JKSET (Set of 4 books) FOR 2023-2023 Study Material +MODEL SOLVED PAPERS+SUGGESTION PAPERS+PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVES+VIDEO PRERECORDED LECTURES BACKUP ONLINE | Click Here |
5 | SET Life Sciences Book | Previous Years Papers [Solved] Book | 16 Papers | 3rd Edition | Click Here |
Medium of Examination:
Question paper for the First paper will be in English and Hindi. In case of any ambiguity between Hindi and English version due to translation, English version would be treated as final. The question Papers in all subjects, except in Oriental Classical and Modern Indian Languages, shall be set in English.
The question papers in Modern Indian Languages shall be set in the language concerned, whereas the question papers in the Oriental Classical Languages shall be set either in the concerned language/s itself or in cognate Modern Indian Language or in English, and the candidates shall answer the questions in the concerned language.
Provisions relating to Persons with Disability (PwD):
The compensatory time provided to the visually impaired candidates in Paper-I is 20 minutes. Accordingly, there is provision of 40 minutes compensatory time in Paper–II. They will also be provided the services of a scribe who would be a graduate in a subject other than that of the candidate as there is no provision of Test Booklets in Braille for Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates.
Those Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates who are not in a position to write in their own handwriting can also avail such facility services of a scribe by making prior request, in writing, to Coordinator, JK SET office, University of Jammu/ Coordinator JK SET Kashmir University at least one week before the date ofJ&K SET. Compensatory time and facility of scribe would not be provided to other Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates.
JK SET 2023 Admit Card:
The admit card of JK SET 2023 is going to be released on the official website of the university. All the necessary details regarding the exams like venue, timing, and instructions are going to be mentioned on the admit card. No Applicants is going to be permitted to appear for the exam without a valid admit card.
JK SET 2023 Result:
The result is going to be declared on the official website by the month of June 2023. A category and subject wise merit list are going to be prepared by the official authorities after the exam. The minimum marks needed to be considered for the merit list are as follows:
Category | Minimum Percentage of Marks in each paper | ||
Paper 1 | Paper 2 | Paper 3 | |
ST/OBC/SC/PWD Applicants | 35% | 35% | 35% |
General Applicants | 40% | 40% | 40% |
JK SET Examination Centres:
The JKSET/LASET exam shall be held at 3 main Examination Centres at Jammu, Srinagar and Leh with a provision to allot sub centres in the following district headquarters if the number of candidates from that sub-centres are more than 250. Following sub centres# have been proposed.
Jammu Centre: – Centre Code 01 Sub-centres Cities – Jammu; Kathua; Udampur & Rajouri
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- Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
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- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
Kashmir Centre: – Centre Code 02 Sub-centres Cities – Srinagar; Anantnag; Baramulla
Leh Centre: – Centre Code 03 Sub-centres Cities– Leh and Kargil In case of less than 250 candidates in any Sub-centre, it will be merged with the nearest subcentre
JKSET Contact Number/Helpline Number:
Prof. Pankaj K. Srivastava Member Secretary (JKSET/LASET) University of Jammu, Jammu-180006 Contact No. +91-191-2435259, +91-191-2435248 EXTN 2597 Email: [email protected] | For Jammu Centre Contact: Mr. Kuldeep Raj Assistant Registrar (SET) JKSET/ LASET Cell University of Jammu, Jammu – 180 006 +91-191 2435259, 2435248 Ext 2265 |
For Srinagar Centre Contact: Dr Seema Singh Centre Coordinator (JKSET/LASET) University of Kashmir, Srinagar +91-194-2272170; 194-2272192 | For Leh Centre Contact: Dr. Amjad Ali Centre Coordinator (JKSET/LASET) Jammu University of Ladakh, Leh Email id. [email protected] Mobile no. 9469615666 |