
Sri Lanka | History, Capital, Language, Flag, Facts & Geography of Sri Lanka

History of Sri Lanka:

Off the southern coast of India is the island country of Sri Lanka. It was formerly referred to as Ceylon. Nearly 500 BC saw the arrival of the first people. The introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka in the middle of the third century BC had a significant cultural impact. From 200 BC until 1000 AD, the city of Anuradhapura, which was the first great civilisation to emerge, was in power. Polonnaruwa took its place after that until 1200. Numerous civilizations, notably the Romans and the Arabs, made interaction with the island over the years.

The Portuguese arrived in the sixteenth century. They established towns along the coast. A century or so later, the Dutch came after. The British arrived in 1796 and drove the Dutch out. In 1815, they established Ceylon as a British colony on the island. Before Ceylon gained independence in 1948, the island was governed by the British.

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Ceylon started embracing communism and developing connections with the Soviet Union, but in 1972 it changed its constitution and turned as a republic. At this point, Sri Lanka became the name of the nation.

Information about Sri Lanka:

Capital Colombo
Population 21,893,579 (Source: 2023 worldometer)
Major Cities Colombo, Kandy, Anuradhapura, Galle, Negombo, Jaffna, Dambulla, Nuwara Eliya, Trincomalee
Borders India and the Maldives
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) $74,403,578,363 (2022 worldometer)
Currency Sri Lankan rupee (LKR)

Flag of Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka Economy Key Industries:

Sri Lanka Major Industries: processing of rubber, tea, coconuts, tobacco and other agricultural commodities; telecommunications, insurance, banking; clothing, textiles; cement, petroleum refining

Sri Lanka Agricultural Products: rice, sugarcane, grains, pulses, oilseed, spices, tea, rubber, coconuts; milk, eggs, hides, beef; fish

Sri Lanka Natural Resources: limestone, graphite, mineral sands, gems, phosphates, clay, hydropower

Sri Lanka Major Exports: textiles and apparel, tea and spices; diamonds, emeralds, rubies; coconut products, rubber manufactures, fish

Sri Lanka Major Imports: textile fabrics, mineral products, petroleum, foodstuffs, machinery and transportation equipment

The Geography of Sri Lanka:

Total Size of Sri Lanka: 331,690 km² (source: wikipedia)

Geographical Low Point of Sri Lanka: Indian Ocean 0 m

Geographical High Point of Sri Lanka: Pidurutalagala 2,524 m

Climate of Sri Lanka: Tropical monsoon; northeast monsoon (December to March); southwest monsoon (June to October)

General Terrain of Sri Lanka: mostly low, flat to rolling plain; mountains in south-central interior

World Region or Continent of Sri Lanka:  Asia

Geographical Coordinates: 7 00 N, 81 00 E

The People of  Sri Lanka & Culture

Sri Lanka Government Type: republic

Sri Lanka Nationality: Sri Lankan(s)

Sri Lanka National Holiday: Independence Day, 4 February (1948)

Sri Lanka Independence: 4 February 1948 (from UK)

Sri Lanka National Symbol: lion

Sri Lanka National Anthem or Song: Sri Lanka Matha (Mother Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka Languages Spoken: Sinhala (official and national language) 74%, Tamil (national language) 18%, other 8%

Sri Lanka Religions: Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Christian 6.2%, unspecified 10% (2001 census provisional data)

Interesting Facts about Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka is the biggest producer of white tea, green tea, and black tea in the world. Drinking allows you to travel the entire country.

Sri Lanka selected the first democratically elected female head of state in history.

Portuguese colonization of Sri Lanka started in 1505, then it was colonized by the Dutch in 1658, the British in 1796, and finally it achieved independence in 1948.

The death penalty is still legal in Sri Lanka even though there haven’t been any executions there since 1976. An individual is executed by hanging.

Despite being the 122nd-smallest country in the world, Sri Lanka provides more than 19% of all tea exported worldwide.

One of the most sought-after tourist destinations is the Cultural Triangle. Its pillars are the three historic Sinhalese capitals of Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura, and Kandy. Buddhist shrines, underground temples, and magnificent capital ruins are among the local historical sites.

Sri Lanka has the highest rate of literacy in South Asia, with a remarkable 92%.

It is wise to abide by the maxim “Respect the Buddha” while visiting Sri Lanka. Tourists were guilty of disrespecting the Buddha by showing off their Buddha tattoos and taking photos that did so. Several guests were kicked out for being impolite, and some are currently being denied entry.

There was a volleyball game played for the first time in 1916, and it is now regarded as Sri Lanka’s national sport. This is true regardless of how well-liked soccer and cricket are among the general people.

What may be the most well-known “footprint” in the entire world is located in Sri Lanka. Buddhists assert that the Buddha himself left a hole in the ground at Adam’s Peak, one of the country’s most revered locations, during one of his visits to the island.

Both Muslims and Christians agree that after being expelled from Eden, Adam left his mark. Tamil-speaking Hindus assert that their Lord Shiva left his mark on the object.

Sri Lanka has been given many nicknames throughout the years, but two seem to have stuck: “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” and “Teardrop of India,” both of which are based on the country’s geography.

The elephant, the largest terrestrial animal in the world, and the blue whale, the largest marine mammal, can both be seen in Sri Lanka on the same day.

The population of Sri Lanka, also known as the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is just over 21 million.

The Nil Mahanel, also known as Nymphaea Stellata by botanists, is Sri Lanka’s official flower. The gorgeous Water Lily is how it is known in English.

The Temple of the Tooth in Kandy is one of Sri Lanka’s most revered Buddhist attractions. It supposedly contains an actual Buddha tooth.

A tsunami from the Indian Ocean hit Sri Lanka in 2004. Over 30,000 people were slain, and another 500,000 people lost their homes.

The coastline of Sri Lanka is about 1340 kilometers long. Sand beaches make up a sizable chunk of its coastline, making them perfect for water sports like surfing, scuba diving, and snorkeling.

The majority of countries in the globe communicate their intentions by using the “yes” and “no” head movements. In Sri Lanka, it’s the other way around.

In 1890, Sir Thomas Lipton purchased a 5500-acre tea plantation in what was then the highlands of Ceylon. This marked the beginning of the business that would later become known as Lipton Tea, which made its debut in Sri Lanka.

Over 7 million people use the internet in Sri Lanka, according to the latest recent statistics. According to this, 32% or more of people routinely use the internet.

A small island nation in South Asia, Sri Lanka has no geographical borders with any other nations. The Indian Ocean encircles it, and other nations in the area are its closest neighbors. But it’s crucial to remember that Sri Lanka is just a short distance from India’s southernmost point, and the Palk Strait, a confined body of water, divides the two.