
Spotted Hyena | African Mammal, Social Behavior & Adaptations

The spotted hyena is the largest of the hyena family and is often the type of hyena depicted in cartoons and movies. Its scientific name is Crocuta crocuta. It is also commonly known as the laughing hyena.

Where did they get the name Spotted?

They get their name from the spots on the coat that are reddish brown with black spots. Spotted hyenas have strong front parts with strong necks and jaws. They have one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom. Females are usually larger than males and can weigh between 100 and 150 pounds.

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Where do Spotted Hyena live?

Spotted hyenas live in much of central and southern Africa, south of the Sahara. They can survive in a wide range of habitats but prefer to live where zebras and antelope are abundant. This includes grasslands, savannas, forests and sometimes mountains.

What does the Spotted Hyena eat?

Spotted hyenas are carnivores. They eat other animals. They hunt alone or pick up prey from other larger animals such as lions. They are particularly good scavengers as they can crush bones with their powerful jaws and can eat and digest them. When hunting, they usually hunt wildebeest, gazelles and zebras. However, they will also hunt snakes, baby hippos and elephants, and even fish.

Hyenas often hunt in packs, isolating and driving a weak or old one out of the predatory pack. Hyenas eat very quickly because the fastest hyenas get the most food.

Spotted hyenas are social and often live in groups called clans. Herds can range in size from 5 to 90 hyenas and are led by a dominant female hyena known as a matriarch.

Do Spotted Hyena really laugh?

Spotted hyenas make a variety of noises and sounds. One of them looks a bit like a smile, hence their nickname.

Interesting facts about the Spotted Hyena

They have excellent night vision that allows them to see in the dark.

They are considered very intelligent.

Hyenas do not need to drink a lot of water and can fast for days if needed.

Although they look like dogs, they look more like cats.

The other two species of hyena are brown and striped.

Hyenas were domesticated and bred for food in ancient Egypt.

Female hyenas give birth to 2-4 cubs each.