LNMIIT Admission 2023 Admission has been done through NTA CUET 2023. LNMIIT is known as the Laxmi Niwas Mittal Institute of Information Technology, will released the application form through online mode on the official website.
LNMIIT Admission 2023 M.Tech. and M.S. (By research) Pre-Register for the next round of the entrance test will be started. Applicants must fill and submit the application form to apply for the examination. Below, in this article, applicants will get the detailed information regarding the Hindustan University 2023 Admission dates, application form, eligibility criteria, and admission procedure, etc.
LNMIIT Admission 2023 Notification – Admission Started
LNMIIT Admission 2023 Admission has been done through NTA CUET 2023. Click Here to Apply Online.
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LNMIIT 2023 Important Dates:
Below we have provided the schedule of LNMIIT 2023 Important Dates for the candidates to refer:
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025
- Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
CUET Registration 2023 |
Dates (Announced) |
UG Course | PG Course | |
Released of Application Form, | 9th February 2023 | 20th March 2023 |
Last Date to submit Application form | 30th March 2023 | 19th April 2023 |
Last day to pay the online fee | 30th March 2023 | 19th April 2023 |
Application Form Re-Open | – | – |
Application Correction Dates | 1st to 3rd April 2023 | 20th to 23rd April 2023 |
Admit card Downloading | May 2023 | May 2023 |
Exam Dates | 21st to 31st May 2023 | June 2023 |
Reserve Exam Dates | 1st to 7th June 2023 | – |
Answer Key Release Date | June 2023 | June 2023 |
Date for Objections | – | – |
Final answer key | – | June 2023 |
Result Declaration | July 2023 | July 2023 |
Merit list | – | – |
Counseling | – | – |
Courses Offered by LNMIIT:
- Tech Programs are offered in the following disciplines:
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Communication & Computer Engineering
- Mechanical-Mechatronics Engineering
LNMIIT 2023 Application Form:
LNMIIT Admission 2023 Application Form has been Released for UG & PG Courses. Candidates must log in at the official website to fill the application form by entering their name, nationality, date of birth, e-mail address and mobile number.
A password is generated, and candidates can log in and fill the other details in the application form. If applicants are reimbursing by way of Demand Draft, it is required to furnish details (DD) in the online application form and submit it on or before the due date.
It is indispensable to touch upon name, application ID, mobile no., and email-id toward the back of DD and refer it to LNMIIT through speed post or registered post. Postal Address (For Speed Post and Registered Post only):
The LNM Institute of Information Technology,
Rupa ki Nangal,
Post-Sumel, Via-Jamdoli,
(Rajasthan) India.
Other Details:
- Put in Specifics relating to Eligibility, Involvement in Talent Search Exams and Sports and Branch preferences
- Put in the JEE (Main) Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics mark.
- Put in the Class 12 Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics marks, and total marks
- Produce PDF of your method and have its copy for later use.
Step by Step Guide to fill Application Form via RBSE:
- Registration: Details containing Application ID and Password will be sent to your email id and mobile no.
- Online Details: Candidates have to fill in Class 12 Roll No, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics mark, and total marks.
Application Fee:
If candidates are depositing the fees through Demand Draft, it will need to give the specifics (DD) in the application form and acquiesce it on or before the remaining date.
Candidates must enter the name, application ID, mobile no. and email-id towards the back of DD and refer it to LNMIIT through speed post or registered post. Produce PDF and have its copy for later communication. Applicants will need to submit the application fees kept as Rs.1600/- online by availing of Debit/Credit card or internet banking or can take out the DD for the benefit of The LNM Institute of Information Technology’ allocated at Jaipur.
For applicants present out of India, they will require to pay application fees of 100 $ via Swift Transfer or using DD taken out to the advantage of The LNM Institute of Information Technology’ payable at Jaipur. The demand draft shall reach the LNMIIT.
LNMIIT 2023 Eligibility Criteria:
Below we have provided the LNMIIT 2024 Eligibility Criteria for the candidates to check before applying:
To appear for the exam, applicants will require to cater to certain academic criteria, age criteria, etc which have been summarized below. Applicants may check the eligibility criteria before filling the application form.
Eligibility norms for gaining an entrance in B.Tech.-M.Tech. 5 Year dual degrees will be identified as the systematic B.Tech program. Admission to undergraduate engineering courses will be decided on the ground of candidates’ occurrence in JEE Main 2023.
JEE Main mode
- The candidate should be qualifying JEE (Main) directed by Central Board of Secondary Education
- The candidate should have procured as a minimum 60% total marks in Class 10th
- The candidate needs to gain as a minimum 60% total marks in class 12th
- The candidate should have procured a total of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in class 12th.
Lateral Entry mode (For students of other Institutes after 1st & 2nd semester
- The applicant should be qualifying JEE (Main) Examination 2023 directed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
- The applicant needs to gain a minimum of 60% total marks in Class 10th.
- The applicant needs to gain no less than 60% of the total marks in Class 12th.
- The applicant needs to gain a collective of as a minimum of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in Class 12th.
DASA (Direct Admission to Students from Abroad)
- Applicants not from India (Foreign Nationals / PIOs / NRIs) can be suitable to apply for admissions via DASA
- The applicants should belong to Person of Indian Origin/ Foreign National and have accomplished the qualifying examination in any nation without India or belong to the Indian National studying board. As well, the contenders must have accomplished the class 11th and 12th from board exterior of India
- Those applying by way of DASA need to attain a total of 1440 in Subjects including Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics Level 2
- Applicants must be attained as a minimum 60% total in Class Xth or exam equal to it and class XIIth or exam equal to.
LNMIIT 2023 Syllabus:
Candidates willing to get admission in the preferred program should have an acquaintance with the syllabus of the exam. The topics included are mentioned right below-
Physics and Measurement
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025
- Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Rotational Motion
- Gravitation
- Properties of Solids and Liquids
- Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Energy of Gases
- Oscillation and Waves
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism
- Electromagnetic and Radiation
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Electronic Devices
- Communication Systems
- Some Basics Concepts in Chemistry
- States of Matter
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Solutions
- Equilibrium
- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
- General Principles and Process of Isolation of Metals
- Hydrogen
- S-Block Elements
- P-Block Elements
- F-Block Elements
- D- and F- Block Elements
- Environmental Chemistry
- Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds
- Some Basic Principle of Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Sets, Relations, and Functions
- Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equation
- Matrix and Determinants
- Permutations and Combinations
- Biomolecular Theorem and its simple application
- Sequence and Series
- Limit, Continuity, and Differentiability
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equation
- Coordinate Geometry
- Three Dimensional Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Statistics and Probability
- Trigonometry
- Mathematical Reasoning
LNMIIT 2023 Admit Card:
Applicants must download their Admit Card before the end of the date. It is a must to have the downloaded copy of the admit card and bear it to the exam center on the date of the exam.
The admit card will convey the photograph of the applicant accompanied by the admit card number, test center details in addition to the exam list. Applicants will be needed to check all the details referred to on the admit card as quickly as possible.
Step to Download the Admit card:
- Be present for the admit card link at the web page and click on it
- Now, you must type your submission number, password
- After putting in their important details, applicants can directly download the admit card online.
- Immediately, they can download the admit card and keep it safe and sound after having the copy.
LNMIIT 2023 Result
The result is decided to be declared in June 2023. Applicants can go through their scores in the endeavors made by them. The result will be released through online mode at the official website where applicants will need to know the scores gained in the exam.
The scorecard will be released for download. The candidates will get included in the rank list to be announced soon after the result. Based on the result of applicants, admissions will be provided.
The LNMIIT will prepare a merit list considering the total marks got in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in JEE (Main) of those who opt for LNMIIT and meet the eligibility. A minimum cut- off independently for Physics Chemistry Mathematics in addition to overall marks will be taken in to account for the merit list.
Step to Download the Result
- Visit the official website or go for the direct link provided above in this article.
- Search for the link present on the homepage
- The link has to be opened for the accessibility of scorecard
- The applicants will have to log in via application number and password to access result.
- Hit off the submit tab
- Have the photocopy of the result to be shown as a proof for counseling
How to Prepare for LNMIIT 2023:
In advance of preparation for LNMIIT 2023, it is crucial that applicants have a good acquaintance of what to study, what questions to suppose and practice to the extent of possibility.
This can be achieved by considering and accepting the exam pattern, identifying the syllabus and practicing with previous year question papers.
LNMIIT 2023 Counselling/ Admission
Candidates will be invited for the counseling in consideration of the JEE (Main) mark sheet. The counseling process is only meant to seeking admissions in the LNMIIT will embark from the Third week of June 2023.
So those who are worthy of counseling will be receiving calls to attend the counseling process with the mandatory brochures and fees.