
List of Bones in the Human Body | Types of Bones, Bones in the Human Body

The human body contains 206 bones. Over half of these bones are in the hands, which contains 54 bones, and the feet, which have 52 bones. Below we have provided the full list for the students to refer:

Bones in the Head:

Below we have provided how much bones are there in the head:

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  1. Cranial bones
  2. Facial bones
  3. Ear bones
  4. Throat bones

1. Cranial bones (8):
frontal, parietal (2), temporal (2), occipital(2), sphenoid. ethmoid(2)

2. Facial bones (14):
mandible, maxilla (2), palatine (2), zygomatic (2), nasal (2), lacrimal (2), vomer(2), inferior nasal conchae (2)

3. Ear bones (6):
malleus (2), incus (2), stapes (2)

4. Throat bones (1):

Bones Below in the Head:

Below we have provided how much bones are there in the head:

  1. Shoulder bones
  2. Thorax bones
  3. Vertebral column bones

1. Shoulder bones(4):
shoulder blade (2), collarbone (2) (also called the clavicle)

2. Thorax bones (25):
sternum (1), ribs (2 x 12)

3. Vertebral column bones (24)
cervical vertebrae (7), thoracic vertebrae (12), lumbar vertebrae (5)

Bones in the Arms:

Below we have provided how much bones are there in the arm:

Upper Arm bones (2):
humerus (2)

Forearm bones (4):
radius (2), ulna (2)

Hand Bones (54):

Wrist bones:
scaphoid (2), lunate (2), triquetral (2), pisiform (2), trapezium (2), trapezoid (2), capitate bone (2), hamate (2)

Palm bones:
metacarpals (5 x 2)

Finger bones:
proximal phalanges (5 x 2), intermediate phalanges (4 x 2), distal phalanges (5 x 2)

Pelvis bones (4):
sacrum, coccyx, hip bone (2)

Leg bones (8):

femur or thigh bone (2), patella (2), tibia (2), fibula (2)

Feet bones (52):

Ankle bones:
calcaneus (heel bone) (2), talus (2), navicular (2), medial cuneiform (2), intermediate cuneiform (2), lateral cuneiform (2), cuboid (2), metatarsal bone (5 x 2)

Toe bones:
proximal phalanges (5 x 2), intermediate phalanges (4 x 2), distal phalanges (5 x 2)