KRLMPCA CET 2023 Result has been Declared. KRLMPCA CET is called as the Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association Common Entrance Test. The CET is held by the KRLMPCA for the of candidates who aspire for Medical, Dental and Engineering with particular reference to Minority candidates of Karnataka. The Association determines the eligibility of those candidates who appear for Entrance Test followed by Counseling. This Association is having 3 Medical Colleges, 5 Dental Colleges and 9 Engineering Colleges as its members.
The Association is conducting Entrance Test for filling up seats in B.E. course available with our Member Institutions. The UG CET being conducted in the month of May every year followed by counseling. The applicants can check the eligibility criteria and then apply accordingly for the desired course they want to proceed with.
KRLMPCA CET 2023 Notification – Result Declared
KRLMPCA CET 2023 For UGCET Result has been Declared.Click Here to Download Score Card through login.
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- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
KRLMPCA CET 2023 For UGCET Answer key has been Released. Click Here to Download Answer key.
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KRLMPCA CET 2023 Exam Dates:
In the provided section applicants can go through the KRLMPCA CET 2023 dates. Scheduled can give information regarding all the important dates regarding the released of application, dates of registration, application form submission dates, and date of declaration of results, etc.
Important events | Tentative dates |
Application form released | 23rd March 2023 |
Application form submission last date | 29th, April 2023 |
Downloading of admit card | 18th May 2023 |
Entrance exam date | 25th March, 2023 |
Answer key released | 26th May 2023 |
The declaration of the results | 16th June 2023 |
Begin of counseling | To Be Announced |
Seat allotment procedure begins | To Be Announced |
Reporting to the allotted college | To Be Announced |
KRLMPCA CET Application Form 2023:
Below we have provided some important information regarding the KRLMPCA CET 2023 application form: The KRLMPCA CET 2023 form will be released on the official web site for the applicants. Application form submission last date will be till May 2023. The KRLMPCA CET 2023, form will be released by the month of April 2023. Applicants will download the KRLMPCA CET 2023 application form by registering on the web site.
KRLMPCA CET Application Fee 2023:
The applicants got to follow the below steps in order to do a successful submission. Registration on the website Filling the details on the form. Upload the documents. Application fee payment of Rs 1000/- Final submission of the appliance. For more details to visit the website.
KRLMPCA CET Eligibility Criteria 2023:
The eligibility criteria play an important for any course. Below we have provided some eligibility for the applicants to understand it and apply accordingly. The applicant ought to be HSC pass. The applicant should have had important subjects like physics, chemistry, biology & English in his HSC grade.
Also, the applicants who are completing their HSC will apply but have to submit their certificate at the time of admission.
Applicants ought to have achieved 50% of the score in total subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology & English) generally class.
Applicants ought to have achieved 50% of the score in total subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology & English) in ST, SC & OBC class.
Applicants ought to have achieved 50% of the score in total subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology & English) in ph class.
KRLMPCA CET Exam Pattern 2023:
Below we have provided some points regarding the paper pattern for the candidate’s understanding.
The question paper can have solely MCQ type queries.
The question paper holds one hundred eighty queries altogether.
Applicants are given three hours (180 min) altogether to solve the paper.
Applicants can get one mark for every correct answer.
There will be no negative marking tired of this examination.
The paper is divided into 3 parts. Part one: Physics & Chemistry – one hundred twenty queries
Part Two: arithmetic – sixty queries
KRLMPCA CET Syllabus 2023:
The syllabus selected for the entrance test is based on 3 subject’s physics, chemistry and also the topics in these subjects are almost like the HSC syllabus.
KRLMPCA CET Admit Card 2023:
Below we have provided some information regarding the admit card for the applicants:
The admit card is available for the applicants a minimum of one week in advance of the test date so it’s recommended to examine the web site frequently. Applicants got to use the same credentials that they used to fill the application to enter the web site.
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025
- Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
- Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
Once the applicants are on the home page then applicants will click on the download admit card tab and enter the application number for the admit card to open. The first most important thing that the applicants ought to do is check the entire admit card for any mistakes. If there are then the university ought to be contacted immediately. If nothing then the applicants will print the admit card. Applicants without the admit card won’t be allowed to write the exam.
The admit card has the below information on it.
- Name of the applicant.
- Roll number
- The DOB of the applicant,
- Address of the applicant.
- Guardian’s information regarding the applicant.
- Contact information and the email id of the applicant.
- Photo & signature of the applicant.
- Exam name,
- Exam center information.
- Exam date & time
KRLMPCA CET 2023 Answer Key
The authorities will release the answer key in online mode after the completion of the exam. Candidates will be able to use their answer key of KRLMPCA CET 2023 to calculate their probable scores. After checking the official answer key, candidates will be allowed to raise their objections to the authorities as specified below within a fixed time. The objections will be considered and a decision arrived at by the experts.
How to raise objections for KRLMPCA CET answer key 2023?
- Visit the official website of KRLMPCA CET and click on the answer key objection window.
- Mention the question as well as the answer key of KRLMPCA CET.
- Attach proof of the answer that is correct
- Since charges are Rs 1000 per question, candidates must attach a DD for the amount that is due for the number of objections raised.
The DD should be payable at Bangalore and be in favour of KRLMPCA –
Send it to
The Secretary, Flat No.143, 4th floor,
“SURYAMUKHI” Garden Apartments,
# 21, Vittal Mallya Road,
Bangalore-560 001” by speed post only.
The decision of the committee is final and binding.
KRLMPCA CET Result 2023:
Below we have provided some points that may explain the resulting procedure and can conjointly share some details regarding the results. The results of the entrance exams are declared within the month of June every year so it’s higher to keep an eye on the web site to induce more info. The results won’t be sent by the university but the applicants can get to download it from the web site as per the announced date.
Steps to download the result are the same that are used to download the admit card also. The applicants got to use their login credentials and enter the web site. Then click on the result tab and enter the roll number or the unique id that reflects for the exam for someone. Once the result page opens up the applicant will check the scores on the entrance exam. Then applicants got to save the copy and also keep the printouts as one copy is needed t the time of the counseling.
Below we have provided information that reflects on the result.
- Name of the applicant
- Roll number of the applicant
- Course/Test name
- The score achieved in subjects
- The score achieved in total.
KRLMPCA CET Counselling 2023:
Below we have provided the information regarding the counseling for the applicants and more may be found on the official website:
The applicants who are selected within the merit list ought to attend the counseling. The applicants who don’t attend the counseling won’t be approved for admission. The applicants got to do the registration for the counseling. Once the applicants register themselves for the counseling the seat allotment is done by the authorities.
Once the seat allotment is done then applicants are informed and that they got to report to the counseling place on the given date and time. Applicants also have to carry the documents for verification and at the same time, they need to pay the counseling fee. Applicants ought to carry the originals together with the attested copies of all documents.
Below we have provided the list of documents that are to be carried for verification:
- The tenth mark sheet and the passing certificate.
- The twelfth mark sheet and also the passing certificate
- Entrance exam result/ scorecard
- Passport size photo
- Category certificate
- Caste certificate (Minority certificate issued by expert authority).
KRLMPCA CET Contact Number/Helpline Number:
Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association
Flat No. 143, 4thfloor,’SURYAMUKHI’,
Garden Apartments
#21, Vittal Mallya Road
Bangalore 560 001, India
Phone:(91) 80-4112 1233
Fax:(91) 80-4112 1266
Email: [email protected], [email protected]