Glossary and Terms of Early Islamic World

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Caliphate of the Abbasids
Between 750 and 1258 and 1261 and 1517 CE, the Abbasid Caliphate ruled over the Islamic Empire. The Islamic Empire under Abbasid authority went through a time of cultural and economic prosperity known as the Islamic Golden Age.

Al-Andalus –
Spain and Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula were ruled by Islam during the majority of the Middle Ages.

Arab –
A speaker of Arabic who is originally from the Arabian Peninsula.

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The Arabesque
A style of Islamic decorating or design that makes use of leaf, line, and foliage scrolling patterns.

A caliph
The founder of the Caliphate and the supreme leader of the Muslim world.

Caliphate –
A unified Islamic state with a single Caliph as its ruler.

Dinar –
Used by the Islamic Empire as a gold coin.

The Islam’s Five Pillars
Islam’s three pillars of practise are: Shahada (profession of faith), Salah (prayer), and Zakat (charitable giving). Four) Fasting 5) The Hajj (Mecca pilgrimage).

Caliphs: four
Following Muhammad’s passing, the Islamic Empire was ruled by the Four Caliphs. The “Rightly Guided” Caliphs were another name given to them because each one of them had learnt Islam from Muhammad.

Islamic Renaissance
A time when the Islamic Empire had prosperity in all spheres—science, culture, and the economy—between the 800s and the 1200s.

A selection of the prophet Muhammad’s proverbs.

Hajj –
A trip to Mecca that every Muslim is obligated to do at least once in their lifetime, if they are physically able.

Halal –
The term “halal” is used to describe food that is permissible to consume for Muslims in accordance with Islamic law.

A Muslim woman wearing a head- and chest-covering veil.

Eid Al-Adha
An Islamic holy day that honours Ibrahim (Abraham) for his willingness to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice at God’s instruction.

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Imam –
A mosque’s regular worship session conductor who is an adherent of Islam.

Islam –
The prophet Muhammad founded the faith practised by Muslims.

A charge levied to non-Muslims by the Islamic Empire.

The Mamluks
A band of warrior slaves that eventually seized control and governed Egypt.

Mecca –
Muhammad’s hometown and the holiest city in Islam. Muslims from all around the world visit Mecca on pilgrimage every year.

Minaret –
Muslims are called to prayer from a tall, narrow tower. Minarets are common in mosques.

Mosque –
The place of worship for Muslims.

Muhammad –
Islam’s first imam.

Muslim –
A Muslim who practises Islam.

Nomads –
Those who don’t have a permanent residence. They move about in search of new lands and water sources for their animals.

Ottoman Caliphate –
The Ottoman Empire, the last significant Caliphate, ruled from 1517 until 1924 CE.

Mecca’s orientation. Muslims must face Mecca when they pray, therefore it is crucial for them.

Quran –
The Islamic religion’s most revered book. Muslims consider them to be the words of God as given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel.

In Ramadan.
The holiest month according to the Islamic calendar. During this month, Muslims fast from sunrise until sunset.

The title of the five-times-daily traditional prayer that Muslims offer while facing Mecca.

Caliphate of the Umayyad
The Umayyads, the second important Caliphate of the Islamic Empire, ruled from 661 to 750 CE.

Zakat –
Giving to charities is often done to aid the underprivileged.