
Art of Ancient Africa

The continent of Africa is enormous and diversified. Numerous civilizations and empires rose and fell throughout its history. As a result, ancient African art is richly variegated. However, we shall talk about certain recurring motifs in a lot of African art on this page.


There are some general geographic divisions in ancient African painting. After the spread of Islam, the Arabs had a significant impact on the art of northern Africa. Similar to this, Europe and Christianity had an impact on art in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. In temples and tombs, Ancient Egyptian art that has been conserved is also present. However, the majority of people today associate African art with those who live south of the Sahara Desert.

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A vast range of materials were used to create the art of ancient Africa. A lot of African art was unfortunately created using wood, which has since been damaged by the passage of time and the elements. Ivory, ceramics, and other materials like metals (like bronze and iron) have persisted.

Three Dimensions

The fact that African art is frequently done in three dimensions as opposed to two dimensions is one of its key characteristics. For instance, sculpture was employed more frequently than flat paintings. Here are a few of the main kinds of art that were produced in ancient Africa.

A sculpture.

One of the most significant forms of art in ancient Africa was sculpture. The majority of the sculptures featured people and occasionally animals. African sculptors frequently employed wood, but they also frequently used bronze, terracotta, and ivory.

Masks –

Masks played a significant role in art. They were frequently combined with dance to produce a particular kind of performance art. The majority of masks were made of wood, although they were frequently embellished with ivory, diamonds, paint, and animal fur.

Jewelery –

Gold, jewels, shells, and other materials were used to make jewelry by numerous ancient African cultures. Jewelry played a big role in displaying one’s status and riches.

Pottery –

Everyday goods like bowls and cooking pans were made of ceramic. However, other ceramics were intricately sculpted and painted pieces of art.

Human Form

The human figure is one of the primary topics of ancient African art. People are the main theme in the majority of works of art. People have occasionally been depicted with animals or as hybrids of people and animals. Many times, people weren’t depicted in a realistic way but rather in an abstract way with some aspects emphasized while others were completely ignored.

Architectural and Artistic Landmarks

Egypt is responsible for some of the most well-known colossal works of art and architecture in prehistoric Africa. Massive constructions like the pyramids, the Sphinx, temples, and statues (like the enormous pharaohs at Abu Simbel) were built by the Ancient Egyptians. The enormous obelisks of Aksum in Ethiopia, the Great Mosque of Djene in Mali, the rock-cut churches in Ethiopia, and other colossal buildings were constructed by other African civilizations.

Facts Worth Knowing About Ancient African Art

Some of the oldest works of art in the world are thought to have been discovered in Namibia. They are thought to be older than 20,000 years.

In religious rituals, masks that resembled animals were served to represent the animal spirit.

The abstract styles of African art influenced the European modern art movements.

A little portion of an African sculpture is frequently identical to or comparable to a larger portion of the same artwork. We refer to this as “nonlinear scaling.”