AP TET 2023: Andhra Pradesh TET Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Pattern

Latest Applications Open 2025:


AP TET 2023 Application Form will be released soon through online mode. APTET 2023 stands for Andhra Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test 2023. AP TET 2023 is a state-level test for the recruitment of Teachers in Primary School (class first to fifth) and Higher Primary School (Class 5th to 8th). Commissioner of College Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh Conducts APTET each year.

Andhra Pradesh TET 2023 are held on-line, computer-based test. The Applicants shall follow the procedure for submission of online form as given within the information bulletin and user guide manual. Application with no photo/inadequate size photograph is rejected. Applicants should fill online application before the last date.

APTET 2023 Notification: Application Soon

AP TET 2023 Notification will be released soon. Click here to check Notice. The link will be provided here.

AP TET 2023 Application Form will be released soon. Click here to Apply. The link will be provided here.

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APTET 2023 Important Dates:

Events Dates (Tentative)
Release of Notification 1st week of May 2023
Released of application form 1st week of May 2023
Downloading of hall ticket 1st week of June 2023
Date of Examination 3rd week, of June 2023
Released of Answer Key 3rd week of June 2023
Declaration of Result 1st week of July 2023

AP TET Application Form 2023:

The Applicants shall initially download the information bulletin from the APTET official website, undergo it rigorously and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for APTET 2023.
The Applicants shall follow the procedure of submission of on-line application as given within the information bulletin and conjointly as per the instructions provided online while filling up the web form.
Pay the application fee. On receipt of fee at AP online e-Seva Applicants are issued a journal variety with that they’ll submit their form.
Enter your journal issued by AP ONLINE e-Seva date of fee and date of birth.
At the field ‘Attach your latest photo’ click on the browse button and attach your photograph and your signature attached stored on the local machine.
Tick the declaration and enter the verification code.
Press upload.
When the application form is opened check if the photograph is of the specified size, clear and is of the same Applicants for whom the main points are to be filled within the application.
After filling all the details press preview button, this can show details submitted by you.
On n submission of form on-line the Applicants shall be given a reference ID number that ought to be kept rigorously for any kind of future correspondence.

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025

  1. Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  2. UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  3. Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  4. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now

Andhra Pradesh TET 2023 Application Fee:

All the category Applicants need to pay Rs – 500/- for each paper as Application fee.
The mode of payment is online mode.

AP TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria For Primary Teachers:

  • Applicants should be a citizen of India.
  • Intermediate /Senior Secondary with a minimum of 45% marks and pass in or following the final year of 2-year certificate in education.
  • Intermediate /Senior Secondary with a minimum of 50% marks and pass in or following the final year of four tears Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed).
  • Intermediate /Senior Secondary with a minimum of 45% marks and pass in or following the ultimate year of 2-year certificate in Education (Special Education).
  • Relaxation 50% or such percentage as permitted by the govt. at the time of admission to the teacher education course involved in minimum qualifying marks at intermediate/Senior secondary level is permissible for
  • SC/ST/Differently abled Applicants.
  • NCTE guidelines of August 2010 quote’s Applicants who acquired qualification before August 2010 are eligible with the above-said qualification/percentage of marks.

Andhra Pradesh TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria For Upper Primary Teachers:

A. /B.Sc. /B.Com pass or following the final year of a 2-year diploma in education.
A./B.Sc./B.Com. Pass with a minimum of 45% marks and pass in or pursuing the 1-year bachelor in education.
A./B.Sc./B.Com. Pass with a minimum of 50% marks and pass in or following one-year B.ed education Course.
Relaxation 50% in minimum qualifying marks in Intermediate/Senior Secondary level is permissible for SC/ST /Differently abled Applicants’ .also relaxation 50% or the quantum relaxation in term of government orders given at time of admission into individual teacher education course in minimum qualifying marks at B.A/B.Sc/B.com is admissible for SCX/ST/BC/Differently abled Applicants.
If the Applicants have not secured the requisite quantity of percentage of marks in bachelor’s degree however secured post-graduation in relevant school subject she/he are going to be eligible for applying for paper two.

AP TET 2023 Exam Pattern:

APTET 2023 Exam Pattern For Paper 1:

There will be a complete of one hundred fifty multiple-choice queries.
The period of the examination is 2:30 hours.
There will be a total of five subjects, covering examination.

Subject Total MCQs Marks
Mathematics 30 30
Child development and Pedagogy 30 30
Language 1 30 30
Language 2 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150

AP TET 2023 Exam Pattern Paper 2:

There will be a complete of one hundred fifty multiple-choice queries.
The period of the examination is 2:30 hours.
There will be a total of four subjects, covering examination.

Subjects Total MCQ’s Marks
Child development and Pedagogy 30 30
Language 1 30 30
Language 2(English) 30 30
Mathematics and Science or Social Studies 60 60
Total 150 150

Medium of Question Paper:

The Question Paper shall be bilingual (i.e). English followed by the Language-I chosen by the candidates for all Languages except Sanskrit. For the candidatesnchoosing Sanskrit, the questions shall be in Telugu followed by Sanskrit (Devanagari Script)

AP TET Syllabus 2023:

The syllabus consists of details of the topics that are sometimes covered within the examination.
The syllabus is all over as the matter of having an idea what will offer all the descriptions regarding the test pattern, what type, that topics are asked within the question paper.
Child Development And Pedagogy: Understanding Learning, Development of Child, Pedagogical Concerns.
Language I: Hindi
Language II: English
Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Numeration System, Arithmetic, Sets, Menstruation, Information Handling.
Environmental Studies: My Family, Our Body – Health – Cleanliness, Work & Play, Indian constitution, Earth and Sky, Our country (India), Our Food, Shelter, Air, Water, Plants and Animals, Our State (Andhra Pradesh), History and Culture of India

Recomended Books for AP TET 2023:

Candidates can go through the given table for AP TET Study Material 2021:

Sr.No. AP TET Books Buy Link
1.. APTET Physical Education Paper-II -B [ TELUGU MEDIUM ] CLICK HERE
2. APTET Child Development and Pedagogy Paper-I & II [ TELUGU MEDIUM ] CLICK HERE
4. APTET Paper-II Part-A for (Classes Vi -VIII) [ TELUGU MEDIUM ] CLICK HERE
5. APTET SGT : APTET SGT Syllabus And Concepts CLICK HERE

AP TET Admit Card 2023:

Applicants should download admit card for AP TET 2023 from the official website of exam conducting Authority.
Applicants are needed to print a copy of the Admit card.
Admit cards can contain details like Roll number, personal details of the Applicants like name, Father Name, Date of Examination, Timing, and venue of Examination.
Admit card is an obligatory document and should be carried on the day of examination.

How to download Andhra Pradesh TET Hall Ticket 2023?

  • Assess the official website.
  • Search for the link of the AP TET 2023 Admit card and click on the link.
  • After That enter your registration no., DOB, security pin.
  • Admit Card can display on the screen.
  • Take the print out of the Admit Card will keep it safe.

AP TET Answer Key 2023:

The Commissioner of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh can provide the answer key facility to the Applicants after the examination. There are several of the Applicants have appeared within the AP TET Paper 1 and Paper II in the morning and afternoon shifts. Paper-I is for the person who intends to be an educator for classes I to V and paper-II is for the person who intends to be an educator for classes VI to VIII. The publication of the answer key is done twice, once for initial keys so for final keys. On the official web site of Commissioner of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, the answer key is available.

APTET Result 2023:

APTET 2023 Result will be declared through authority on the official website of SCERT, Andhra Pradesh. Those Applicants have given the APTET 2023 examination, they will check their result through online mode and on the premise of the results of the Applicants, the admission can offer to the Applicants. The qualified Applicants can get pass certificate.

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025

  1. Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  2. UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  3. Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  4. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now

How to Check AP TET Results?

  • First of all, Applicants should get to visit on the official web site of Commissioner of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Applicants got to search the link of the result provided on the official web site then click on that.
  • To check the result, Applicants should get to access the login and for that, they need to enter their
  • Hall Ticket number and Date of Birth.
  • After entering the main points, Applicants got to click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  • Applicants should be got to check and download the result and conjointly take the print out of it for future use.