The American Bullfrog is a large amphibian and frog that lives in or near water. Its scientific name is Rana catesbeiana.
Where do Bullfrogs live?
Bullfrogs live all over the United States. They extend as far north as Canada and south as Mexico. They have spread to where they are now in other continents such as Europe, Asia and South America.
Their preferred habitat is calm or slow-moving freshwater such as lakes, ponds, and marshes. They are often found near hidden edges in plants.
How big do Bullfrogs get?
The body of a bullfrog can be up to about 6 inches long excluding its legs. They have long legs that can be 8 to 9 inches longer. They can weigh up to 1.5 pounds. Females tend to be slightly larger than males.
Their skin is usually green to brown with black or dark brown spots and a cream or pale yellow underbelly. They can be quite thick, with a broad and flat head, long hind legs, and shorter front legs. They have particularly large eardrums the size of their eyes or even larger, in the case of male bullfrogs.
What do Bullfrogs eat?
Bullfrogs will eat any animal they can put in their mouths. They are nocturnal and hunt at night, sitting motionless and ambushing prey that pass by them. They often force their prey underwater to drown it. Typical foods include mice, other frogs, insects, fish, even birds and snakes.
How far can Bullfrogs jump?
Bullfrogs use their powerful hind legs to make leaps as far as 6 feet.
Male bullfrogs are very territorial. They emit low-pitched cries to attract females to their area.
Interesting facts about the American Bullfrog
They live about 6-8 years in the wild.
Many people eat frogs. The legs are the only part that is eaten.
It is an amphibian of the states of Oklahoma, Missouri, and Iowa.
Some people keep them as pets.
Bullfrogs can be useful when they eat a lot of mosquitoes, but sometimes their populations can get out of control and can eat up food that other species need, including other frogs.
The female bullfrog lays up to 25,000 eggs. These eggs float in clusters on the surface of the water.
Tadpoles hatch from eggs. They usually stay in the tadpole stage for up to 2 years before becoming frogs.