
Islam in Early Islamic World

Describe Islam.

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, established the faith at the beginning of the seventh century. Muslims believe in a single deity called Allah. The Quran is Islam’s main religious text.

What distinguishes Islam from being Muslim?

A Muslim is someone who adheres to and believes in Islam.

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The last prophet sent by Allah to humanity, Muhammad is revered as the Holy Prophet of Islam. Mohammed was alive between 570 and 632 CE.

The Quran

The holy book of Islam is the Quran. Muslims hold that the angel Gabriel was used by Allah to reveal the words of the Quran to Muhammad.

The Islam’s Five Pillars

The Five Pillars of Islam, or the foundation of Islam, are five fundamental deeds.

The fundamental credo, or profession of faith, that Muslims say each time they pray is called the Shahadah. “There is no god but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God,” is the English version.

Prayer or Salat?
Five times a day, the Salat are recited as prayers. Muslims bow their heads towards the holy city of Mecca while doing their prayers. Typically, they pray on a prayer mat while adopting particular postures and actions.

Zakat –
Giving alms to the needy is the Zakat. Everyone who has the means should help the less fortunate.

Fasting –
Muslims are required to fast (avoid food and liquids) from sunrise till dusk during the month of Ramadan. The purpose of this ceremony is to draw the believer closer to Allah.

Hajj –
A pilgrimage to the city of Mecca is known as the Hajj. Every Muslim who is physically able and financially equipped to do so must visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

The Hadith

The hadith are extra scriptures that describe Muhammad’s deeds and sayings not mentioned in the Quran. After the passing of Muhammad, they were typically gathered together by Islamic academics.


Mosques serve as places of prayer for Muslims. Muslims can typically go to a sizable prayer room to do their prayers. The imam, or head of the mosque, frequently leads the prayers.

Shia and Sunni

There are various Muslim sects, much like in many other major religions. These are groupings that, although adhering to many of the same core principles, disagree on specific theological tenets. The Sunni and the Shia are the two biggest Muslim sects. Around 85% of Muslims worldwide are Sunnis.

Islam: Interesting Facts

The Quran typically occupies a prominent position in Muslim households. The Quran is occasionally put on a special stand. The Quran is not to be stacked with anything.

Stories in the Quran also feature Moses and Abraham from the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible.

Islam is an Arabic term that in English meaning “submission.”

When entering a mosque’s prayer chamber, worshippers are required to take off their shoes.

Saudi Arabia is currently an Islamic State. Islam conversion is a requirement for anyone seeking to come to Saudi Arabia.

It is not necessary for all Muslims to fast throughout Ramadan. Sick people, expectant mothers, and young children may be excused.