
Clownfish | Habitat, Diet & Adaptations

Clownfish, or clownfish, are known to be a bright orange fish with three vertical white stripes or stripes on the sides. They first became famous as the main characters in the Disney Pixar movie Finding Nemo.

There are actually 28 different types or species of clownfish. Some come in different colors including pinkish with a white stripe and some are mostly black. The typical size of clownfish is 4 to 5 inches long.

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Where do Clownfish live?

The Clown anenome fish can be found in the warm, shallow waters of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. Just like in the movie Finding Nemo, they live on the Great Barrier Reef.

The Anemone

They get their name from the fact that they have a very close relationship with anemones. Sea anemones are plant-like creatures with many venomous tentacles that live on rocks or corals in the ocean. Clownfish have a special mucus layer on their skin to protect them from the poison of the anemone.

By living in and around anemones, clownfish protect themselves from predators and can also eat anemone’s leftovers. In contrast, clownfish keep anemones clean by eating and eliminating parasites.

Despite their close relationship with sea anemones, clownfish still live in groups known as swarms. In each group is a dominant leader. Oddly enough, all clownfish are born male. If the leader dies, the biggest and strongest male will become the female and the new leader of the school.

Clownfish as a Pet

Many clownfish are bred and kept in tanks for sale in the United States. If the aquarium has anemone, they will sometimes live in the anemone, but not always. They do not need anemones to survive in the aquarium. They can live about 3 to 5 years.

Interesting Facts about Clownfish

Once the male clownfish becomes a female, there is no turning back. She will then always be feminine.

The scientific term for clownfish’s relationship with anemones is called symbiosis.

They get their name from their bright orange color and white stripes, but also from their bouncy swimming.

Female clownfish can lay more than 1000 eggs. The male clownfish protects the eggs.