
Aryabhatta Essay In English

Essay on Aryabhatta: The Master of Mathematics: The first Indian astronomer and mathematician was Aryabhatta. He had accumulated a wealth of mathematical knowledge. He also found a few things that still make Indians proud today.

The place value system, algebraic identities, trigonometric functions, the value of pi, and other well-known discoveries were among his many. Aryabhatta composed numerous well known books which are treated as Book of scriptures in Science. In the field of mathematics, Aryabhatta inspired many young people. So far, his contribution to society has received a lot of praise.

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Early Life

In an unknown location, Aryabhatta was born in 475 A.D. Yet, as per his book ‘Aryabhatiya’, he lived in Kusumpura, the cutting edge Patna. It is still believed by archaeologists that he continued his studies in Kusumpura. The fact that significant works of his astronomy were discovered in Kusumpura is the basis for the beliefs.

As a result, it is reasonable to assume that Aryabhatta lived here for the majority of his life. In addition, some historians hold the belief that he was the head of the Nalanda University in Kusumpura. With the exception of the books written by Aryabhatta, all of the aforementioned theories are based on guesses and hypotheses. Some of the records got lost, and they haven’t been found yet.

Contributions of Aryabhatta

Mathematical advancement was Aryabhatta’s primary contribution. He discovered a number of trigonometric functions that are extremely relevant to modern mathematics. Mathematical complications are eliminated by Aryabhatta’s invention of the “pi” value. However, his mathematical breakthrough was the creation of zero and place value. The book “Aryabhatiya” contains numerous astronomical theories.

Aryabhatta was effective in Math as well as had monstrous information on cosmology. Planets revolve around the sun, as per his heliocentric theory. Using his theory, he calculated the speed of the various planets in relation to the Sun. The sidereal pivot was additionally determined by him. The sidereal year, which stipulates that there should be 365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 30 seconds in a year, was one of his most significant astronomical discoveries. This veers off from the present-day esteem by just 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

Aryabhatta was the one who correctly established that the earth revolves around its axis. He also foresaw the geocentric solar system model, which held that the earth was the center of the universe. The sun, the moon, and the planets turn around it. His book also talked about eclipses of the moon and the sun. His book provided an explanation of how the earth’s and the moon’s shadows cause solar and lunar eclipses to occur.

It is possible to assert that Aryabhatta’s astronomical approximations were extremely accurate. The Aryabhatta theories are the foundation of the computational paradigm. As Indian residents, we ought to feel glad for Aryabhatta in light of the fact that he had developed such things which can’t be envisioned in the current day without the offices of present day hardware.

The Legacy of Aryabhatta

Not only did Aryabhatta leave behind a legacy of wisdom in Indian culture, but also in the cultures that were nearby. His astronomical findings were widely accepted and translated into numerous neighboring languages.

His theory that all the planets revolve around the sun’s position in the center of the solar system was correct, as the modern world discoveries demonstrated. Aryabhatta likewise gave a short prologue to why and how a lunar overshadowing happens. His tradition of information is all around applauded in the cutting edge world for every one of the commitments he made in cosmology.


Aryabhatta is very notable as the dad of Indian Math. He discovered numerous mathematical concepts. The value of pi is the most well-known. All of the digits that make up the value of pi were provided by Aryabhatta. Although these discoveries may appear insignificant, they did alter the development of mathematical concepts.